Not sure what to do with your brown speckled bananas? Don’t throw them away. It is wasteful. Freeze them to make my tasty dairy free Tropical Mango Ice Cream. Keep scrolling for the recipe…

Not sure what to do with your brown specked ripe bananas? Try my vegan tropical mango ice cream recipe
Delicious vegan recipe ideas for ripe brown speckled bananas.

This vegan ice cream is healthy enough to eat as a pre-workout snack. It is made with my homemade nut milk…or you can substitute store bought almond milk if you don’t want to take the time to make your own. Add in some Garden of Life Dr Formulated MCT Oil and Vanilla Bean Energy Shake and you have a tasty snack that is sure to help you power through your exercise routine!

I have used both a NutraBullet and a Vitamix to make my ice creams. They both seem to do the job well…however, I prefer my Vitamix because it has a tamper to help combine all of the ingredients when mixing. You can probably use a regular blender as well. Hey, if you can make frozen margaritas in it, then you can make ice cream.

Victoria's Recipe Box Tropical Mango Ice Cream made with Garden of Life Dr Formulated MCT Oil and topped with almonds and coconut flakes.
Tropical Mango Ice Cream made with Garden of Life Dr Formulated MCT Oil

My recipe for tropical mango ice cream is not only rich and creamy, but it is super healthy too. I have been experimenting with different ingredients until I got it just right. If you agree, leave a comment and let the readers know what you think.

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With love and gratitude, Victoria, Do Tell A Belle

Use Organic Ingredients
1/3 cup nut milk (see my recipe or use store bought)
Small piece ginger root
1 tablespoon of MCT Oil
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 banana chopped and frozen
1/2 cup frozen chopped mango
1/2 cup frozen chopped pineapple
Optional 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder

Optional Toppings
Chopped Almonds
Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
and/or Fresh Raspberries

In a Vitamix add coconut milk, maple syrup and ginger root. Pulse until the root is completely broken up and liquified. Add in the remaining ingredients. Pulse until all the ingredients are mixed together and broken up and. Then slowly turn the speed up to high for about 15 seconds until the ingredients are combined. It is important not to over-blend your ingredients because it will begin to melt your ice cream. I like to leave a few pineapple and mango chunks in mine for texture.

Scoop the mixture into small serving bowls and top with almonds, fresh raspberries and coconut flakes. Makes 2 large servings or 4 small servings.

monstera palm leaf recipe card, blue crab recipe card and chili paper recipe card in watercolor
My recipe cards are designed using my original watercolor artwork. Order yours at Do Tell A Belle on Zazzle

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