Creating your own bridal shower invitations can be a delightful and personal way to kick off the celebrations for your upcoming wedding. With printable invitations from Do Tell A Belle, you can easily craft beautiful, customized invitations that reflect your style and the theme of your bridal shower. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create the perfect invitations:

Make your own bridal shower invitations features pink floral watercolor art by Victoria Grigaliunas of Do Tell A Belle
Discover our unique watercolor floral bridal shower invitation by clicking on the image. Immerse yourself in the beauty of exclusive watercolor art!*

Step 1: Choose Your Design

Bridal shower invitations
Immerse yourself in the creative world of Victoria Grigaliunas! Simply click on the image to browse her exclusive range of bridal shower invitations, each uniquely designed with artistry and elegance.

Do Tell A Belle offers a variety of printable invitation designs. Browse our full bridal shower invitation collection to find one that aligns with the theme and aesthetic of your event. Consider colors, patterns, and motifs that match your wedding theme or personal style.

Step 2: Customize Your Invitations Online

Watch this short video tutorial on how to customize your invitations…and follow @dotellabelle on YouTube for more ideas and tips.

You can personalize your chosen design directly online in the Do Tell A Belle store in the Zazzle marketplace. This convenient online editing tool allows you to modify text, fonts, and colors without needing any special software. Add details like your name, the date and time of the shower, location, and any other relevant information. Be creative and make it personal!

Step 3: Choose Your Paper

Select high-quality paper to print your invitations. The paper you choose can greatly impact the overall look of the invitation. Opt for cardstock or a specialty paper that complements your design.

Step 4: Print a Test Invitation

Before printing all your invitations, print a test copy. This helps you ensure that the colors and text look as expected and that there are no errors.

Step 5: Print Your Invitations

Once you’re satisfied with the test print, print the rest of your invitations. Ensure your printer settings are adjusted for the best quality and the right paper size.

Step 6: Add Finishing Touches

After printing, you might want to add some personal touches. This could include hand-written notes, ribbons, or embellishments that tie in with your bridal shower theme.

Step 7: Prepare Your Envelopes

Choose envelopes that fit your invitations. You can also customize these with printed labels or hand-written addresses for a personal touch.

DIY Bridal Shower Invitations addressing envelopes

Step 8: Send Them Out!

Once your invitations are ready, it’s time to send them to your guests. Make sure to send them out well in advance, typically four to six weeks before the bridal shower. Discover more aboout the ideal timing for sending out your bridal shower invitations. For insightful tips and best practices, simply click the link at the end of this post and immerse yourself in our helpful guide.

Make Your Own Bridal Shower Invitations Tips:

  • Proofread: Always double-check for any typos or mistakes before finalizing your design.
  • Incorporate Your Theme: If your bridal shower has a specific theme, try to reflect this in your invitation design.
  • Ask for Help: If you’re unsure about your design or wording, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member for their opinion.

Creating your own bridal shower invitations with Do Tell A Belle’s printable templates is not just cost-effective but also adds a personal touch to your pre-wedding celebrations. The online customization tool makes it easy and fun to design an invitation that perfectly captures the spirit of your special day. Enjoy the process and let your creativity shine!

Explore more delightful ideas and inspiration for your bridal shower invitations! Click here and dive into a world of creative possibilities.

Bridal shower invitations
When Should Bridal Shower Invitations Be Sent Out?
bridal shower thank you message card with watercolor olive branches by Victoria Grigaliunas
Writing A Heartfelt Thank You Message.
Budget Invitations feature watercolor greenery and red berries
Sneak Peek: Budget Invitations

* Hello Wonderful Readers! Just a heads-up: many of the fantastic designs I rave about are my own creations, and I earn royalties from them. It’s my way of spreading love and creativity in the world! Your support keeps the creative juices flowing and this blog running. I’m deeply thankful for your trust and for being a part of this creative journey with me! With gratitude and sparkle, Victoria

Victoria Grigaliunas, Founder, Artist, Designer of Victoria Rigali Designs onDo Tell A Belle
Follow Do Tell A Belle on Pinterest and start pinning your bridal shower ideas.